CCKI(Currecy Circulation Knowledge Institute) is a team of researchers focusing on the field of modern monetary economy, and is composed of volunteer members from the Japan and United States.


This service was recently released in Japan. We have developed the basic theory of this service and contribute to the future of Japan's monetary economy.The developer is Koichiro.Araki, the principal investigator and one of the founders of the association.

Another new invention is the unique currency theory that forms the basis of Receipt Marche's services. This paper is based on the fact that in Japan, the Octaworldnet company is experimentally implementing a service under the name Origincoins.






CCKI is conducting research activities with the aim of putting the theories developed by prominent economists into practice rather than ending them on paper. Among them, MMT (Modern Monetary Theory), which has been announced in the United States and is gaining discussion in Japan, is attracting particular attention.

Many MMT-related books have been published in the United States and Japan.




MMT theory is in the realm of macroeconomics and is constrained by states, so it is characterized by the fact that it is controversial in each country.

Proponent is Dr.Larry Randall Wray. And MMT(Modern Money Theory)




Members of the CCKI are not proponents of economic theory, but build the infrastructure for putting theory into practice. We will continue to produce innovative business models and create leaders in the social economy around the world.


